
1815 eruption of mount tambora artinya

Audio:   contoh 1815 eruption of mount tambora


  1. The erupted mass was 100 times greater than that of the largest volcanic eruption in recent history, including the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which caused the 1816 "Year Without a Summer" in the Northern Hemisphere.
    Massa letusannya 100 kali lebih besar daripada letusan gunung terbesar dalam sejarah modern, letusan Gunung Tambora di Indonesia tahun 1815 yang mengakibatkan "Tahun Tanpa Musim Panas" 1816 di belahan utara Bumi.

Kata lain

  1. "1814 works" artinya
  2. "1815 births" artinya
  3. "1815 by continent" artinya
  4. "1815 by country" artinya
  5. "1815 deaths" artinya
  6. "1815 in europe" artinya
  7. "1815 in france" artinya
  8. "1815 in italy" artinya
  9. "1815 in serbia" artinya
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