
1840s artinya

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  1. Gold began being mined in Bau in the 1840s.
    Emas mulai ditambang di Bau pada tahun 1840-an.
  2. The phrase has been in use since at least the 1840s.
    Namun, setidaknya kalimat ini sudah dipakai sejak 1840-an.
  3. By the 1840s, sugarcane plantations gained a foothold in Hawaiian agriculture.
    Pada 1840an, penanaman gula dimasukkan dalam agribudaya Hawaii.
  4. The plot covers 150 years, from the 1840s through the 1990s.
    Plotnya merentang selama 150 tahun, dari 1840-an hingga 1990-an.
  5. By the 1840s it was diversifying into railway components.
    Tahun 1840-an melakukan penambahan jenis hasil kerja ke komponen rel kereta.

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