1963 in film artinya
- film: filem; memfilmkan; selaput; wayang gambar;
- 1963 cannes film festival: festival film cannes 1963; festival filem cannes 1963
- 1963 film awards: penghargaan film tahun 1963
- The year 1963 in film involved some significant events, including the big-budget epic Cleopatra, Alfred Hitchcock's horror The Birds, and two films with all-star casts, How the West Was Won and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.
Film dalam tahun 1963 melibatkan beberapa peristiwa yang signifikan, termasuk film epik berbiaya tinggi Cleopatra dan dua film dengan para pemeran all-star, How the West Was Won dan It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.