
1993 anime artinya

Audio:   contoh 1993 anime


  1. Anime columnist John Oppliger has outlined several popular theories describing how the term would have stemmed from the name of anime heroines, such as Hotaru Tomoe from Sailor Moon (Tomoe is written as 土萌, relevant kanji is the same) or Moe Sagisawa from the 1993 anime Kyōryū Wakusei.
    Pemerhati anime John Oppliger menjelaskan beberapa teori populer yang menggambarkan bagaimana istilah muncul dari nama pahlawan anime, seperti such as Hotaru Tomoe - Sailor Saturnus dari Sailor Moon (Tomoe ditulis sebagai 土萌, menggunakan kanji yang sama) atau Moe Sagisawa dari anime Kyoryu Wakusei tahun 1993.

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