
1st baltic front artinya

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  1. She was active primarily on the 1st Baltic Front during World War II.
    Ia utamanya aktif di Front Baltik ke-1 pada Perang Dunia II.
  2. The town was recaptured on 25 June 1944 by the 1st Baltic Front.
    Kota ini direbut kembali pada tanggal 25 Juni 1944 oleh 1st Baltic Front. ^ The Jewish Encyclopedia.
  3. As part of the 1st Baltic Front, he participated in the campaign to free Lithuania from Nazi occupation.
    Sebagai bagian dari Front Baltik ke-1, ia ikut serta dalam kampanye untuk membebaskan Lituania dari pendudukan Nazi.
  4. He was given his first command of a unit in 1942, and in November 1943 received his most prestigious command as the commander of the 1st Baltic Front.
    Ia diberi kepercayaan memegang komando kesatuan pertamanya pada tahun 1942, dan pada bulan November 1943, ia menerima komando paling bergengsi sebagai Komandan Front Baltik 1.
  5. In four days of violent urban warfare, Soviet forces of the 1st Baltic Front and the 3rd Belorussian Front captured the city of K?nigsberg – now Kaliningrad, Russia.
    Pertempuran ini berlangsung di tengah kota selama empat hari dan pada akhirnya Front Baltik Pertama dan Front Belarus Ketiga Uni Soviet berhasil merebut kota K?nigsberg (kini Kaliningrad, Rusia).

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