
asthmatic artinya

Audio   contoh asthmatic


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  1. I was asthmatic, bad athlete, terrible skin.
    Saya menderita asma, atlet yang buruk, kulit yang mengerikan.
  2. My son's asthmatic and I want his medicine.
    Anakku asma dan saya ingin obatnya .
  3. My mother was an asthmatic.
    Ibuku dulu menderita asma. Obat hirup apa yang kau pakai?
  4. And my parents, they thought I was an asthmatic.
    dan orang tuaku, mereka pikir aku mengidap asma.
  5. Rotarian, methodist, tenor, blue-ribbon pecan pie champ, asthmatic.
    Anggota Rotary Group, Methodist, Kreditor, Penderma terbesar yayasan Penyakit Asma.

Kata lain

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