be accustomed to artinya
- accustomed: biasa; selalu; lazim; latih; kelaziman; kebiasaan
- accustomed to: terbiasa; biasa
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- Have you been accustomed to being a high schooler?
Apa kamu sudah terbiasa SMA di sini? - She was accustomed to far less affluent means.
Dia sepertinya jauh dari kaya . - These people have been accustomed to this way of life for many years
Orang-orang ini selama bertahun-tahun terbiasa dengan kehidupan ini. - I'm afraid I'm not as warm as the men that you must be accustomed to.
Kurasa aku tidak sehangat pria yang biasa menemanimu. - I was accustomed to the open expanse of the country, and now I was in the heart of London, at the height of the Victorian era.
Akusudahterbiasaterbuka hamparannegeri, dansekarangakuberadadijantungkotaLondon, padapuncakeraVictoria.