brawl artinya
- berteriak
- berkelahi
- cekcok
- percekcokan
- perkelahian
- bertengkar
- bertekak
- malu
- pergaduhan
- kehadiran
- berbantah
- kericuhan
- keributan
- kedatangan
- bergaduh
- brawl stars: brawl stars
- the big brawl: the big brawl
- brawl in the family (the simpsons): brawl in the family (the simpsons)
- Baca juga: Berikutnya>
- He's never been in real knockdown-dragout brawls.
Dia tidak pernah benar-benar berada dalam pertandingan sulit sungguhan. - That's the difference between a war and a brawl.
Itulah beda antara perang dan adu kelihaian. - We brawled and scrapped and fought for hours.
Kami brawled dan membatalkan dan berjuang selama berjam-jam. - A duel is one thing, a common brawl quite another.
Duel ini berbeda dengan perkelahian umum. - Those boys in the 82nd know how to brawl.
Mereka orang-orang di 82nd tahu caranya bertempur.