brunn artinya
- brunn, mecklenburg-vorpommern: brunn, mecklenburg-vorpommern
- brunn, upper palatinate: brunn, upper palatinate
- I come from Brunn.
Aku berasal dan Brunn. - German archaeologist Heinrich Brunn believed the decorative qualities of the Pharsalos stele originated in Asia Minor.
Arkeolog Jerman Heinrich Brunn bahwa bentuk hiasan Pharsalos pada nisan berasal dari Asia Minor. - He attended a number of Catholic educational establishments, under the Benedictines at Regensburg in Germany and with the Jesuits at Olmutz and Brunn in Moravia.
Ia menempuh pendidikan di sejumlah lembaga pendidikan Katolik, yang berada di bawah naungan tarekat Benediktin di Regensburg, Jerman, serta dengan tarekat Yesuit di Olmutz dan Brunn di Moravia.