co-determination artinya
- determination: azam; kepastian; ketabahan hati; ketegasan; penentuan; penetapan; tekad; kata putus; kesimpulan; keazaman; pemutusan; kesungguhan; keputusan; niat; ketetapan; itikad
- .co: .co
- co: bersama; co; gabungan; centennial state; karbon monoksida; colorado; biru; kobalt
- In company law, the term generally used is co-determination, following the German word Mitbestimmung.
Di hukum perusahaan, istilah yang umumnya digunakan adalah kodeterminasi, mengikuti kata Jerman Mitbestimmung. - Adenauer's program centered on legislation establishing co-determination in the coal and steel industry, the system of employee property formation, the equalization of burdens, the creation of subsidized housing, child benefits, the agricultural Green Plan and the dynamism of pensions.
Program Adenauer berfokus pada pembuatan peraturan mengenai konsensus pada industri batubara dan baja, pembentukan sistem properti milik pegawai, penciptaan perumahan rakyat, tunjangan bagi anak, pertanian, dan tunjangan pensiun.