cobby artinya
- harry cobby: harry cobby
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- Cobby appeared taken aback and would not accept the resignations.
Cobby tampak terpojok dan tidak mau menerima pengunduran diri tersebut. - Harry Cobby who was a wonderful man, he was posted.
Harry Cobby adalah sosok yang menakjubkan, dan ia naik pangkat. - Games in the tent - Cobby, Casper and Connie and Carrie
Claymore, Carrie, Collin, Moonshell, Connie, Casper, Cedrik, Cobby, Randis - An RAAF investigation found that Jones' removal of Cobby, Gibson and Simms was justified.
Penyelidikan RAAF membuktikan keabsahan pemecatan Cobby Gibson, dan Simms oleh Jones. - Cobby refused to join in and later claimed to be unaware of the depth of feeling among the pilots.
Cobby menolak bergabung dan kemudian mengklaim tidak menyadari dalamnya perasaan para pilot tersebut.