conducing artinya
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- This production line has a perfect closed-pore alveolate struture. Its density, water absorption, coefficient of heat conducing and the coefficient of steam pervasion are all lower than those of other bard heat preservation materials...
Lini produksi ini memiliki struture alveolate tertutup pori sempurna. Kepadatannya, penyerapan air, koefisien konduksi panas dan koefisien uap pervasion semua lebih rendah daripada bahan pelestarian panas bard... - Despite the failure of Operation Boomerang to achieve its goals, it demonstrated that XX Bomber Command was now capable of conducing complex operations and the B-29s could safely travel long distances over water.
Disamping kegagalan Operasi Boomerang untuk mencapai tujuannya, peristiwa tersebut menunjukkan bahwa XX Bomber Command sekarang dapat mengadakan operasi kompleks dan pesawat-pesawat V-29 dapat dengan selamat terbang jarak jauh di atas air.