
convergence zone artinya

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  1. During the high-sun season, the Intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) induces rain.
    Saat musim matahari tinggi, zona konvergensi intertropikal ( Intertropical convergence zone; ITCZ) menginduksi hujan.
  2. The movement of the monsoon trough, or intertropical convergence zone, brings rainy seasons to savannah climes.
    Pergerakan truf monsun, atau zona konvergensi intertropis, membawa musim hujan ke iklim sabana.
  3. It appears to be on the edge of the convergence zone, but every couple minutes I hear the faintest...hum.
    Sepertinya dari tepi zona konvergensi, tapi hanya tiap beberapa saat dan terdengar samar...um.
  4. The equatorial region near the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), or monsoon trough, is the wettest portion of the world's continents.
    Wilayah khatulistiwa dekat Zona Konvergensi Intertropis (ITCZ), atau truf monsun, adalah wilayah terbasah di dunia.
  5. Within this circulation, evaporation occurs intensively around the equator on the centre of low pressure called the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), characterized by accumulation of cloud in the area.
    Dalam sirkulasi ini, evaporasi berlangsung secara intensif di sekitar katulistiwa pada pusat tekanan rendah yang disebut zona konvergensi antar tropic (Intertropical Convergence Zone|ITCZ), ditandai dengan akumulasi awan di daerah ini.

Kata lain

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