corrosiveness artinya
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- Vertical Dewatering Transfer Submersible Turbine Pump For Transportation Corrosiveness
Transfer Pengeringan Vertikal Pompa Submersible Turbine Untuk Transportasi Korosif - ? Resistant to atmospheres with high humidity, corrosiveness and saltiness
? Tahan terhadap atmosfir dengan kelembaban tinggi, korosif dan asin - Natural Clay Container Desiccant , Small Desiccant Packs Non - Corrosiveness
Pengasuh Tanah Liat Liar, Paket Desiccant Kecil Non - Corrosiveness - Mainly is suitable for the transportation corrosiveness, the big pellet, the highly concentrated dregs
Terutama cocok untuk transportasi korosif, pelet besar, ampas yang sangat terkonsentrasi - The report urged study of its mechanical properties, corrosiveness, grittiness, and effect on electrical systems.
Laporan tersebut mendesak penelitian tentang sifat mekanis, korosif, dan efeknya pada sistem kelistrikan.