
cut across artinya

Audio:   contoh cut across


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  1. We're making some significant cuts across the board.
    Kami membuat beberapa luka signifikan di seluruh papan.
  2. Further in. We'll cut across to faster waters.
    Lebih masuk Kita akan memotong perairan lebih cepat.
  3. Sorry. Okay, cut across the gaming room, go upstairs.
    Lewati ruangan judi, naik ke lantai atas.
  4. Beams cutting across the manhole covers. - Deal with it.
    geser jeruji paritnya - baiklah.
  5. I can cut across country easily enough.
    Aku bisa memintasi negeri ini dengan cukup mudah.

Kata lain

  1. "custódio castro" artinya
  2. "cusum" artinya
  3. "cusy" artinya
  4. "cut" artinya
  5. "cut a dash" artinya
  6. "cut across the grain" artinya
  7. "cut and dried" artinya
  8. "cut and fill" artinya
  9. "cut aquaintance" artinya
Versi PC

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