
decipher artinya

pengucapan: [ di'saifə ]Audio   contoh decipher


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  1. I'm sure with some time he can decipher the symbols.
    Aku yakin, Kakek pasti bisa menafsirkannya.
  2. Do you think you could try and decipher them for me?
    Apa kau bisa mengartikannya untukku?
  3. Is it going to take more time to decipher?
    Apakah membutuhkan waktu yang lebih untuk menerjemahkannya?
  4. How did you decipher so much of their language?
    Bagaimana kau menguraikan begitu banyak bahasa mereka?
  5. She managed to decipher your third-rate code.
    Asal anda tau, dia berhasil memecahkan kode tingkat tiga anda.

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Versi PC

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