do-nothing artinya
- do nothing rash: jangan terburu nafsu
- had nothing to do with: menjauhi
- have nothing to do with: menjauhi; menghindari
- Your do-nothing presidency has me seriously considering abolishing the post altogether.
Jabatan OSISmu yang gagal membuatku merencanakan untuk menghapuskan jabatan seluruhnya. - "I have been promoted to a higher do-nothing senior executive job,
"Saya telah dipromosikan yang lebih tinggi mau berbuat sesuatu pekerjaan eksekutif senior, - I mean, I deserve that Christmas bonus a hell of a lot more than that do-nothing, kiss-ass nephew of his.
Maksudku, aku pantas untuk bonus Natal itu daripada keponakannya yang tak bisa apa-apa selain menjilat. - Had Charles Martel suffered at Tours-Poitiers the fate of King Roderic at the Rio Barbate, it is doubtful that a "do-nothing" sovereign of the Merovingian realm could have later succeeded where his talented major domus had failed.
Jika Karl Martell menderita di Tours-Poitiers nasib Raja Roderick di Sungai Barbate, diragukan bahwa kedaulatan wilayah Merovingia "tidak melakukan apa-apa" dapat kemudian berhasil dimana domus utamanya yang berbakat gagal.