
drop behind artinya

Audio:   contoh drop behind


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  1. You're dropping behind for a more dramatic victory.
    Aku tahu kau mengalah dulu untuk kemenangan yang lebih dramatis.
  2. They drop behind enemy lines, attack from the rear, neutralize.
    bawa mereka di belakang garis musuh, serang dari belakang, netralkan.
  3. Peg, Bernie, Lofar, you create a diversion out front while we drop behind the tower.
    Peg, Bernie, Lofar, Anda menjadi pengalih di depan sementara kita tinggal disamping menara.
  4. I have found myself dropped behind enemy lines, poised to destroy the Glee Club from within.
    Aku temukan diriku terjatuh di belakang garis lawan, siap menghancurkan klub Glee dari dalam.
  5. We'll drop behind this Atlantic Wall five hours before the 4th Infantry lands at Utah.
    kita diterjunkan di belakang tembok atlantis... 5 jam sebelum infantry ke 4 mendarat di pantai utah.

Kata lain

  1. "drop a line" artinya
  2. "drop analysis" artinya
  3. "drop anchor" artinya
  4. "drop away" artinya
  5. "drop back" artinya
  6. "drop by" artinya
  7. "drop by the wayside" artinya
  8. "drop collector" artinya
  9. "drop dead" artinya
Versi PC

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