
echo artinya

pengucapan: [ 'ekəu ]Audio   contoh echo


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. (Inaudible echoing voice) Not so good, is it?
    (Suara gema yang tidak jelas) Lumayan buruk, bukan?
  2. Alpha X Ray, this is November Echo 6-1-0.
    Alpha X Ray, di sini November Echo 610.
  3. Six Echo, it means your sponsor lives in L.A.
    Six Echo, artinya sponsormu tinggal di L.A.
  4. Okay, look, um, death echoes are ghosts, okay?
    Oke, dengar um, gema kematian adalah hantu, oke?
  5. When the lonely singing Echoes in the dark
    When the lonely singing Echoes in the dark

Kata lain

  1. "echis" artinya
  2. "echiura" artinya
  3. "echizen province" artinya
  4. "echizen, fukui" artinya
  5. "echizen, fukui (town)" artinya
  6. "echo & the bunnymen" artinya
  7. "echo (you and i)" artinya
  8. "echo boomers (film)" artinya
  9. "echo chamber (media)" artinya
Versi PC

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