
equal right artinya

Audio:   contoh equal right


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. Jews and Christians have equal rights with Muslims.
    Yahudi dan Kristen mempunyai hak yang sama dengan Muslim,
  2. Listen, your God teaches, everybody's born equal, right?
    Dengar, Tuhanmu mengajari bahwa semua orang itu sama bukan?
  3. But his movies have him fighting for equal rights.
    Tapi film-filmnya memperjuangkan hak.
  4. The issue for equal rights for the American Negro is that issue.
    Masalah kesetaraan hak Negro Amerika adalah masalahnya.
  5. I marched for the Equal Rights Amendment,
    Aku berbaris untuk Equal Rights Amandemen,

Kata lain

  1. "equal listener response scale" artinya
  2. "equal loudness contour" artinya
  3. "equal opportunity" artinya
  4. "equal pay day" artinya
  5. "equal pay for equal work" artinya
  6. "equal to" artinya
  7. "equal-area" artinya
  8. "equal-arm balance" artinya
  9. "equal-field system" artinya
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