evolutional artinya
- The long evolutional journey of beer from thousands of years before Christ to this day has brought more than 40,000 kinds of beer worldwide.
Perjalanan panjang, evolusi bir dari ribuan tahun sebelum masehi hingga saat ini melahirkan lebih dari 40.000 jenis bir di seluruh dunia. - For the sake of aesthetical and functional reasons, men designed dog’s evolutional process and now have succeeded to produce various modern dog races. Nothing is perfect, sometimes the process even triggered new genetical diseases and physical immune system vulnerability.
Demi alasan estetika dan fungsi manusia mengatur proses evolusi anjing dan kini berhasil mewujudkan bermacam ras anjing modern, tiada yang sempurna kadangkala proses tersebut malah memicu penyakit genetis baru dan kerentanan daya tahan tubuh.
Kata lain
- "evolution of the horse" artinya
- "evolution of the wolf" artinya
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- "evolution-data optimized" artinya
- "evolution: the modern synthesis" artinya
- "evolutionarily significant biological phenomena" artinya
- "evolutionarily stable strategy" artinya
- "evolutionary" artinya
- "evolutionary anthropology" artinya