
executive order 9066 artinya

Audio:   contoh executive order 9066


  1. FDR signed Executive Order 9066 leading arrest of every US west coast Japanese.
    Executive Order 9066 memberi wewenang untuk mengevakuasi semua orang keturunan Jepang dari Pantai Barat.
  2. Mother Tome and sister Fumi were already deceased by the time WW II started and Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066.
    Ibunda Tome dan saudara perempuan Fumi sudah meninggal pada saat Perang Dunia II dimulai dan Roosevelt mengeluarkan Executive Order 9066.
  3. In April, 1942, after Executive Order 9066 had been issued, the FBI began rounding up people that were active in the Japanese American community, including Shiusaku.
    Pada April 1942, setelah Executive Order 9066 diterbitkan, FBI mulai mengumpulkan orang-orang yang aktif dalam komunitas Amerika Jepang, termasuk Shiusaku.
  4. 1976 – Executive Order 9066, which led to the relocation of Japanese Americans to internment camps, is rescinded by President Gerald Ford's Proclamation 4417.
    1976 - Perintah Presiden Amerika Serikat Nomor 9066, yang memerintahkan relokasi warga Amerika Serikat keturunan Jepang (Japanese American) ke kamp interniran, dibatalkan dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 4418 oleh Presiden Amerika Serikat Gerald Ford.

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