
face artinya

pengucapan: [ feis ]Audio   contoh face


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. Do you remember the face of Muti, at the beginning?
    Anda ingat wajah Muti, di awal?
  2. But you can see the music on his face.
    Tapi anda bisa melihat musik di wajahnya.
  3. And these nations are faced with a real problem.
    Dan negara ini dihadapkan pada masalah nyata.
  4. We called the project Face 2 Face.
    Kami sebut proyek itu Face 2 Face (Tatap Muka)
  5. We called the project Face 2 Face.
    Kami sebut proyek itu Face 2 Face (Tatap Muka)

Kata lain

  1. "fab?o" artinya
  2. "fac" artinya
  3. "fac-instructions" artinya
  4. "facade" artinya
  5. "facatativá" artinya
  6. "face (geometry)" artinya
  7. "face (key album)" artinya
  8. "face (professional wrestling)" artinya
  9. "face (sociological concept)" artinya
Versi PC

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