gennevilliers artinya
- gennevilliers
- Gennevilliers is the site of the main river port Port of Gennevilliers of Paris on the Seine river.
Gennevilliers adalah situs pelabuhan sungai utama Paris di sungai Seine. - Gennevilliers is the site of the main river port Port of Gennevilliers of Paris on the Seine river.
Gennevilliers adalah situs pelabuhan sungai utama Paris di sungai Seine. - Line T1 actually connects Asnières and Gennevilliers to Noisy-le-Sec, parallel to the Paris city's northern limit.
Jalur T1 menghubungkan Saint-Denis dengan Noisy-le-Sec, paralel menuju batas utara kota Paris. - On 9 April 1929, one-fifth of the territory of Gennevilliers was detached and became the commune of Villeneuve-la-Garenne.
Tanggal 9 April 1929, seperlima teritori Gennevilliers digabungkan menjadi komune Villeneuve-la-Garenne. - An extension west to Asnières and Gennevilliers, connecting to western branch of subway line 13, opened in November 2012, and a continuation towards Nanterre is planned.
Perpanjangan barat menuju Asnières dan Gennevilliers dijadwalkan buka tahun 2010, dan lanjutan ke Nanterre direncanakan.