
get over artinya

Audio:   contoh get over


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  1. Throw me this stuff when I get over.
    Kau lemparkan padaku setelah aku sampai di seberang.
  2. Nobody expects you to get over this immediately.
    Tak seorangpun kecuali kamu yang berakhir seperti ini
  3. All right, how about getting over top of it?
    Baiklah, bagaimana kalau ke atas pesawat itu?
  4. General So, you've had fun already, let's get over it
    Sudah lama tidak datang Jendral So?
  5. Get out of there and get over here now.
    Keluar dari sana dan ke sini sekarang.

Kata lain

  1. "get out of" artinya
  2. "get out of line" artinya
  3. "get out of mind" artinya
  4. "get out of the way" artinya
  5. "get out your handkerchiefs" artinya
  6. "get over it (film)" artinya
  7. "get own way" artinya
  8. "get ready" artinya
  9. "get remove" artinya
Versi PC

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