
heroic artinya

pengucapan: [ hi'rəuik ]Audio   contoh heroic


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. Are you concerned about that strange, heroic Penguin person?
    Apa kau melihat keanehan, dalam diri Penguin?
  2. Now I know you're full of it. Nobody's that heroic
    Sekarang aku tahu kau mengatakan omong-kosong.
  3. I think we agree Potter's actions were heroic.
    Saya fikir kita bersetuju tindakan Potter yang heroik.
  4. We're talking about the heroic work of two men
    Kita berbicara mengenai dua orang pekerja heroik
  5. Comrade Kim Yong-nam, your heroic sacrifice will be remembered
    Pak Kim Yong-nam, pengorbananmu akan selalu dikenang

Kata lain

  1. "heroes reborn (miniseries)" artinya
  2. "heroes' day" artinya
  3. "heroes' square (budapest)" artinya
  4. "herogiri" artinya
  5. "herohalli" artinya
  6. "heroic age of antarctic exploration" artinya
  7. "heroic cities of mexico" artinya
  8. "heroic duo" artinya
  9. "heroic poem" artinya
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