intermarium artinya
- mi?dzymorze
- The Polish name Mi?dzymorze (from mi?dzy, "between"; and morze, "sea"), meaning "Between-Seas", was rendered into Latin as "Intermarium."
Istilah dalam bahasa Polandia Mi?dzymorze berarti "antarlaut" atau "di antara laut", sehingga dalam bahasa Latin diterjemahkan menjadi "Intermarium." - Intermarium complemented Pi?sudski's other geopolitical vision—Prometheism, whose goal was the dismemberment of the Russian Empire and that Empire's divestment of its territorial acquisitions.
Intermarium melengkapi visi geopolitik Pi?sudski lainnya, yaitu Prometeisme yang ingin memecah belah Kekaisaran Rusia.