
iroh artinya

Audio:   contoh iroh


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  1. It would be awful if Uncle Iroh didn't return.
    Akan mengerikan jika Paman Iroh tidak kembali.
  2. Iroh was the last outsider to face the masters.
    Iroh adalah orang terakhir yang menghadapi master.
  3. My name is Iroh, and you have my word.
    Saya Iroh, dan kau bisa pegang kata-kataku
  4. Have you heard of the Blue Spirit, General Iroh?
    Kau pernah mendengar tentang Roh Biru, Jenderal Iroh?
  5. And General Iroh Great hero of our nation.
    Dan Jenderal Iroh... pahlawan besar negara kita.

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