lefthand artinya
- Lamination On The Lefthand Sides Of Lecture Note Sheet
Laminasi Di Sisi Kiri Lembar Catatan Kuliah - Select a region on the lefthand side
Pilih wilayah yang ada di sebelah kiri - Position the cursor at the place on your worksheet that you want the top lefthand corner of the text box to be.
Posisikan kursor di suatu lokasi pada lembar kerja yang Anda ingin tepi kiri atas kotak teks ditempatkan. - At concerts in Heimathaus Twist several Live-CDs have been recorded amongst others the concert of the Blues Company , Ten Years After and the concert of Lefthand Freddy and the Aces .
Saat konser di Heimathaus Twist beberapa Live-CD telah direkam antara lain konser The Blues Company, Ten Year After dan konser Lefthand Freddy dan Aces. - 22 micron PET thermal lamination film can be used to laminated on the lefthand sides of blank lecture note sheets in order to protect paper from damages or being tored. Blank lecture note sheets are widely used in oversea high shcools and universities.
22 mikron PET film laminasi termal dapat digunakan untuk dilaminasi pada sisi kiri lembaran catatan kuliah kosong untuk melindungi kertas dari kerusakan atau dirapikan. Lembar catatan kuliah kosong banyak digunakan di shcools dan universitas luar negeri.