ma'alot dafna artinya
- ma'alot dafna
- ma'alot-tarshiha: ma'alot-tarshiha
- alot: alot
- .ma: .ma
- Ma'alot Dafna now has a population of about 420 families, of which 220 are Anglo-born and 200 are Israeli.
Ma'alot Dafna saat ini memiliki jumlah populasi sebanyak 420 kepala keluarga, dengan 220 keturunan campuran dan 200 keturunan asli. - Ma'alot Dafna was built as part of the sequence of Jewish neighborhoods called the bariah or "hinge" neighborhoods connecting West Jerusalem to Mount Scopus.
Ma'alot Dafna dibangun sebagai bagian dari rentetan lingkungan Yahudi yang disebut bariah atau lingkungan "hinge" menghubungkan Yerusalem Barat ke Gunung Scopus. - It is bordered by Ma'alot Dafna to the north, Shmuel HaNavi to the west, Beit Yisrael to the south, and Road 1 and Sheikh Jarrah to the east.
Berbatasam langsung dengan Ma'alot Dafna di utara, Shmuel HaNavi di barat, Beit Yisrael di selatan, dan Road 1 dan Sheikh Jarrah di timur. - Ma'alot Dafna was established in 1972 on the hillside through which Israeli troops in the Six-Day War made their way from the Israeli neighborhood of Shmuel HaNavi to fight the Arab Legion troops at the Battle of Ammunition Hill.
Ma'alot Dafna didirikan pada tahun 1972 di sisi bukit sewaktu tentara Israel dalam Perang Enam Hari membuat jalur mereka dari lingkungan Israel, Shmuel HaNavi untuk memlawan Legion Arab saat Perang Bukit Amunisi.