
micro artinya

Audio   contoh micro


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. You should look into a compressible micro fabric.
    Gunakan bahan kain kecil yang bisa di rapatkan.
  2. Should we be looking at micro surgeons? There's no need.
    Haruskah kita mencari ahli bedah mikro?
  3. Actually, it's neither a micro nor a chip.
    Sebenarnya, ini tidak mikro dan ini bukan chip.
  4. Polycarbonate rappelling line with jet-propelled micro grappling hook.
    Polycarbonate rappelling baris dengan jet-mendorong pengait mikro.
  5. The micro bomb in Harkness' neck must have malfunctioned.
    Bom kecil di leher Harkness pasti mengalami malfungsi.

Kata lain

  1. "micrantheum serpentinum" artinya
  2. "micrargus longitarsus" artinya
  3. "micrathena funebris" artinya
  4. "micrathena lucasi" artinya
  5. "micrathena mitrata" artinya
  6. "micro channel architecture" artinya
  7. "micro chip" artinya
  8. "micro economics" artinya
  9. "micro hydro" artinya
Versi PC

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