paeoniaceae artinya
- family paeoniaceae: paeoniaceae
- taxonomy|paeoniaceae: taxonomy|paeoniaceae
- The peony is a flowering plant in the genus Paeonia, the only genus in the family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America. Boundaries between species are not clear and estimates of the number of species range from 25 [2] to 40.[3]
Peony adalah tanaman berbunga di genus Paeonia, satu-satunya genus di keluarga Paeoniaceae. Mereka asli Asia, Eropa Selatan dan Amerika Utara Barat. Batas antar spesies tidak jelas dan perkiraan jumlah spesies berkisar dari 25 [2] sampai 40. [3] - The peony is a flowering plant in the genus Paeonia, the only genus in the family Paeoniaceae. They are native to Asia, Southern Europe and Western North America. Boundaries between species are not clear and estimates of the number of species range from 25 [2] to 40.[3]
Peony adalah tumbuhan berbunga di genus Paeonia, satu-satunya genus dalam keluarga Paeoniaceae. Mereka berasal dari Asia, Eropah Selatan dan Barat Amerika Utara. Batas antara spesies tidak jelas dan anggaran bilangan spesies berkisar dari 25 [2] hingga 40. [3]