
performance artinya

pengucapan: [ pə'fɔ:məns ]Audio   contoh performance


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. I think, in this case, it's about performance anxiety.
    Saya pikir, masalah ini menyangkut kecemasan kinerja.
  2. Today we have a full slate of final performances.
    Hari ini kami punya sederetan penampilan akhir.
  3. Congratulations, your performance in the Black Lake was inspiring.
    Selamat, penampilanmu di Danau Hitam sangat menginspirasi.
  4. Sayuri gave such a passionate performance, don't you think?
    Sayuri memberikan penampilan yang penuh penghayatan, benar?
  5. That sort of Behaviour is going to affect my performance
    Sikap semacam itu akan mempengaruhi kinerjaku.

Kata lain

  1. "perform a contract" artinya
  2. "perform in public" artinya
  3. "perform the duties" artinya
  4. "perform this way" artinya
  5. "performa invoice" artinya
  6. "performance (film)" artinya
  7. "performance and cost indexs" artinya
  8. "performance appraisal" artinya
  9. "performance art" artinya
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