
republic artinya

pengucapan: [ ri'pʌblik ]Audio   contoh republic


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  1. Whether it's you or Republic of Korea, make a choice.
    Kau ataukah Republik Korea, buatlah pilihan.
  2. Such voyages were the life's blood of the republic.
    perjalanan semacam itu darah kehidupan republik ini.
  3. The Republic had too many clone troopers, my lord.
    Republik punya banyak sekali pasukan clone, tuanku.
  4. But the republic of panama cannot allow
    Namun Republik Panama tak bisa membiarkan hal seperti ini.
  5. But my concern is the greater good of Republic of Florence.
    Tapi untuk kebaikan Republik Florence.

Kata lain

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  6. "republic (plato)" artinya
  7. "republic aircraft" artinya
  8. "republic aviation" artinya
  9. "republic day" artinya
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