
residue artinya

pengucapan: [ 'rezidju: ]Audio   contoh residue


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  1. There appears to be some chemical residue on the lawn.
    Ada "Reaksi Kimia" di sekitar sini.
  2. We've got gunshot residue. Looks like she's been snowing back here.
    Sepertinya dia memakainya dibelakang sini.
  3. There's some kind of residue on these fingerprints.
    Ada beberapa jenis residu pada sidik jari itu.
  4. I got some residue from the witch's mist.
    Ini. Aku menemukan beberapa residu dari kabut penyihir.
  5. This wound to the chest had no such residue.
    Luka pada dada ini tak memiliki residu.

Kata lain

  1. "residual radiation" artinya
  2. "residual-current device" artinya
  3. "residual. value" artinya
  4. "residuary" artinya
  5. "residuary product" artinya
  6. "residue (chemistry)" artinya
  7. "residuum" artinya
  8. "resign" artinya
  9. "resign a lawsuit to the court" artinya
Versi PC

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