
responsive artinya

pengucapan: [ ris'pɔnsiv ]Audio   contoh responsive


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  1. So, for example, rats are incredibly responsive breeders.
    Sebagai contoh, tikus berkembang biak dengan sangat cepat.
  2. But she's responsive now, and her condition is stable.
    Tapi dia mulai responsif sekarang, dan kondisinya stabil.
  3. Demand responsive transport named MobiVie sur Mesure.
    Design yang mampu diakses melalui prangkat mobile disebut responsive .
  4. These regulations were responsive to demographic and economic pressure.
    Orang-orang ini hidup dalam tekanan ekonomi dan sosial .
  5. The arachnid biology was immediately responsive to our growth hormone.
    Biologi arakhnida (laba-laba) cepat sekali meresponsif hormon pertumbuhan kami.

Kata lain

  1. "responsibility to protect" artinya
  2. "responsible" artinya
  3. "responsible for" artinya
  4. "responsibleness" artinya
  5. "responsibly" artinya
  6. "responsive web design" artinya
  7. "responsively" artinya
  8. "responsiveness" artinya
  9. "resque" artinya
Versi PC

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