
rule artinya

pengucapan: [ ru:l ]Audio   contoh rule


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. All this was done by hand, with slide rules.
    Semuanya dikerjakan dengan tangan, memakai penggaris geser.
  2. Play has rules, especially when it’s group play.
    Bermain itu memiliki peraturan, khususnya bermain dalam group.
  3. How many would rule in favor of Casey Martin?
    Berapa banyak yang berpihak kepada Casey Martin?
  4. A wise person knows when to bend the rules.
    Seorang bijak mengetahui kapan harus membelokan aturan.
  5. And the first rule of the game is pretty simple.
    Aturan pertama permainan ini cukup sederhana.

Kata lain

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  5. "rula jebreal" artinya
  6. "rule and dynamic" artinya
  7. "rule and norm" artinya
  8. "rule as" artinya
  9. "rule as rules" artinya
Versi PC

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