srbija artinya
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- 2009 – 2012 Hyatt Regency Beograd, Srbija
1990 – 1992 Hyatt Regency Casablanca, Maroko - Mali has served as a chairman of several boards of directors, including Fiat Automobili Srbija, Komercijalna banka and Air Serbia.
Mali pernah menjadi ketua board of directors perusahaan Fiat Automobili Srbija, Komercijalna banka, dan Air Serbia. - Satellite operator SES announces the expansion of the partnership with the Serbian broadcasting company RTS, representing the interests of the state broadcaster Telekom Srbija.
Operator satelit SES mengumumkan perluasan kemitraan dengan perusahaan penyiaran Serbia RTS, mewakili kepentingan penyiar negara Telekom Srbija. - EUROPE. SES Video and Serbian operator Telekom Srbija has launched a new television package through the orbital position 23,5 degrees East longitude. It will be for cable operators.
EROPA. SES Video dan Operator Serbia Telekom Srbija telah meluncurkan paket televisi baru melalui posisi orbit 23,5 derajat bujur timur. Ini akan menjadi untuk operator kabel. - Under the new agreement Telekom Srbija leases additional capacity on SES ASTRA satellite to transmit three additional channels RTS - RTS1, RTS2 and children's channel RTS Poletarac, as well as three radio stations.
Berdasarkan perjanjian yang baru Telekom Srbija sewa kapasitas tambahan pada SES ASTRA satelit untuk mengirim tiga tambahan saluran RTS - RTS1, RTS2 dan saluran anak-anak RTS Poletarac, serta tiga stasiun radio.