sustainment artinya
- Datapod is a leading manufacturer of scalable modular data center infrastructure, deployment and sustainment services capable of delivering world-class data center systems to customers globally.
Datapod adalah penyedia keteknikan dan solusi dari produk-produk infrastruktur pusat data yang hemat energi, layanan profesional, dan dukungan teknis. - It is composed of a Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, three brigade combat teams (1st Stryker BCT, 2nd Infantry BCT, and 3rd Armored BCT), a Combat Aviation Brigade, the 4th Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, and a Division Artillery.
Divisi ini terdiri dari sebuah Markas dan Batallion Markas, tiga Brigade tim tempur (1 Stryker BCT, 2nd Infanteri BCT, dan 3 Lapis baja BCT), sebuah Brigade Penerbangan Tempur, Brigade Perbekalan Divisi Infanteri ke-4 dan Divisi Artileri.