tardigrade artinya
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- That little guy over there is a tardigrade.
Makhluk kecil di situ adalah seekor tardigrade. - We were wrong. As the hardy tardigrade demonstrates, life can endure conditions that would mean certain death for us humans.
Tardigradedenganjelas telahmenunjukkan, bahwahidupdapat bertahan dalam kondisi yangbagikitamanusiaberartikematian. - A guy named Bruce Rosner looked at the tardigrade -- which dries out completely, and yet stays alive for months and months and months, and is able to regenerate itself.
Pria bernama Bruce Rosner melihat tardigrade -- yang kering sempurna, tapi bertahan hidup berbulan-bulan, dan dapat memperbarui dirinya sendiri. - Tyson describes extinction of species and the five great extinction events that wiped out numerous species on Earth, while some species, such as the tardigrade, were able to survive and continue life.
Tyson menjelaskan kepunahan spesies dan lima peristiwa kepunahan besar yang memusnahkan banyak spesies di Bumi, tetapi ada spesies-spesies seperti tardigrade yang selamat dan melanjutkan kehidupannya. - In 2007, individuals of two tardigrade species, Richtersius coronifer and M. tardigradum, were subject to the radiation, near-vacuum and near-absolute zero conditions of outer space as part of the European Space Agency's Biopan-6 experiment.
Pada tahun 2007, individu-individu dari dua spesies tardigrada (yaitu Richtersius coronifer dan M. tardigradum) menjadi subjek penelitian Biopan-6 yang dilakukan oleh European Space Agency.