
ticket window artinya

Audio:   contoh ticket window


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. Is there a ticket window somewhere?
    Apakah masih ada tiket di loket ?
  2. The station and ticket windows were directly connected to the hotel.
    Stasiun dan loket tiket langsung terhubung dengan hotel.
  3. Commuter express tickets, ticket window seven.
    Tiket komuter ekspress, loket tujuh.
  4. Inductive loops at select theater shows and ticket windows
    Loop induktif di teater tertentu dan jendela loket tiket
  5. Passengers holding monthly passes may pick up commuter express tickets at ticket window seven.
    Penumpang dengan tiket bulanan, ...bisa mengambil komuter tiket ekspress .di loket tujuh.

Kata lain

  1. "ticket scalper" artinya
  2. "ticket section" artinya
  3. "ticket seller" artinya
  4. "ticket stub" artinya
  5. "ticket to ride (song)" artinya
  6. "ticketholder" artinya
  7. "ticketing" artinya
  8. "ticketing service" artinya
  9. "ticketmaster" artinya
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