
unicellular organism artinya

Audio:   contoh unicellular organism


  1. It's a unicellular organism, something akin to an algae.
    Itu organisme bersel satu. Mirip dengan ganggang.
  2. In unicellular organisms, waste products are discharged directly through the surface of the cell.
    Pada organisme bersel satu, produk buangan dikeluarkan secara langsung melalui permukaan sel.
  3. Even simple unicellular organisms such as bacteria possess a rudimentary immune system in the form of enzymes that protect against bacteriophage infections.
    Bahkan organisme uniseluler seperti bakteri juga memiliki sistem imun sederhana dalam bentuk enzim yang melindunginya dari infeksi bakteriofag.
  4. Adhesion GPCRs are found throughout metazoans and are also found in single-celled colony forming choanoflagellates such as Monosiga brevicollis and unicellular organisms such as Filasterea.
    GPCR adhesi ditemukan di seluruh metazoan dan juga ditemukan di bersel tunggal koloni choanoflagellatea seperti Monosiga brevicollis dan organisme uniseluler seperti Filasterea.

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