
union artinya

pengucapan: [ 'ju:njən ]Audio   contoh union


    Baca juga:   Berikutnya>

  1. I'm sitting with my counterparts in the European Union.
    Saya duduk dengan relasi dari Uni Eropa.
  2. I'm from the Textile Workers Union of America.
    Saya dari the Textile Workers Union of America.
  3. I'm with the Textile Workers Union of America.
    I'm with the Textile Workers Union of America.
  4. or don't call yourself a union member. - Norma!
    atau jangan sebut dirimu seorang anggota serikat.
  5. Russian mobsters had also migrated from the Soviet Union.
    Mafia Rusia juga bermigrasi dari Uni Soviet.

Kata lain

  1. "unintoxicated" artinya
  2. "uninventive" artinya
  3. "uninvited" artinya
  4. "uninviting" artinya
  5. "uniola paniculata" artinya
  6. "union (american civil war)" artinya
  7. "union (set theory)" artinya
  8. "union airways" artinya
  9. "union army" artinya
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