valorization artinya
- 200 research contracts in partnership with corporations overseen by the unit of research valorization.
200 kontrak penelitian dalam kemitraan dengan perusahaan diawasi oleh unit penaikan penelitian. - The University of Twente also holds the title of the most entrepreneurial university in Netherlands and was voted the best Dutch university in the area of valorization.
Universitas Twente juga menyandang gelar “The Most Entrepreneurial University” di Belanda dan terpilih sebagai universitas terbaik di area valorisasi. - As soon as they were legalized, the events - which were previously held in indigenous reserves - began to be promoted more regularly, which aroused the interest of major sponsors, with the immediate consequence of the valorization of the fighters' scholarship.
Segera setelah mereka disahkan, acara - yang sebelumnya diadakan di cagar adat - mulai dipromosikan secara lebih teratur, yang membangkitkan minat sponsor utama, dengan konsekuensi langsung dari valorisasi beasiswa para pejuang.