aksi t4 bahasa Inggris
- aksi: acion; the in-thing; action; activeness;
- aksi: acion; the in-thing; action; activeness; activity; military action; sitting; move; deed; posing; human action; boasting; step; act; lawsuit; human activity
- aksi (genre): action fiction; action (genre)
- He also trained physicians for the T4 Euthanasia Programme.
Ia juga melatih fisikawan untuk program Aksi T4. - He pilloried the Nazis' Action T4 euthanasia program.
Pada tahun 1939 ia menggagas program eutanasia Jerman Aksi T4. - However, graduates of the Action T4 operation were then transferred to concentration camps, where they continued in their trade.
Tetapi, lulusan operasi Aksi T4 dikirim ke kamp konsentrasi, dimana mereka melanjutkan urusan mereka. - Carbon monoxide was also used on a large scale during the Holocaust at some Nazi German extermination camps, the most notable by gas vans in Chełmno, and in the Action T4 "euthanasia" program.
Karbon monoksida juga dilaporkan digunakan dalam skala kecil selama Holocaust di beberapa kamp eksterminasi Nazi dan di program "eutanasia" Aksi T4. - The idea of mass extermination with the use of stationary facilities to which the victims were taken by train, was the result of earlier Nazi experimentation with chemically manufactured poison gas during the secretive Aktion T4 euthanasia programme against hospital patients with mental and physical disabilities.
Gagasan pemusnahan massal dengan menggunakan fasilitas tetap yang dibangun khusus untuk tujuan tersebut merupakan hasil dari ujicoba penggunaan gas beracun buatan yang dilakukan oleh Nazi selama program eutanasia rahasia Aksi T4 terhadap orang-orang yang dianggap cacat fisik dan mental.