alan walsh bahasa Inggris
- alan: alans
- kate walsh: kate walsh (actress)
- marty walsh: marty walsh (politician)
- Spectroscopy was further advanced in 1955 with the invention of the modern atomic absorption (AA) spectrophotometer by Alan Walsh.
Spektroskopi dikembangkan lebih lanjut pada 1955 dengan penemuan spektrofotometer serapan atom (atomic absorption, AA) modern oleh Alan Walsh. - 1952 Alan Walsh pioneers the field of atomic absorption spectroscopy, an important quantitative spectroscopy method that allows one to measure specific concentrations of a material in a mixture.
1952 Alan Walsh mempelopori bidang spektroskopi serapan atom, metode spektroskopi kuantitatif penting yang memungkinkan seseorang mengukur konsentrasi materi tertentu dalam campuran.