aleksander dari hessen dan rhein bahasa Inggris
- aleksander: alexander
- dari: be of; from; from out of; from the; of; than;
- hessen: germany districts hesse; hesse; hermann hesse
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- rhein: rhine; rhine river; rhein
- Julia served as lady-in-waiting to Tsesarevna Marie Alexandrovna, wife of the future Tsar Alexander II and a sister of Prince Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine.
Julia menjabat sebagai dayang Tsesarevna Marie Aleksandrovna, calon istri Tsar Aleksander II dan saudari Pangeran Aleksander dari Hessen dan Rhein. - His father was Prince Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine, the third son and fourth child of Grand Duke Ludwig II of Hesse and Wilhelmina of Baden.
Ayahandanya adalah Pangeran Aleksander dari Hessen dan Rhein, putra ketiga dan anak keempat dari Adipati Agung Ludwig II dari Hessen dan Wilhelmine dari Baden. - Marie was the eldest child and only daughter of Prince Alexander of Hesse and by Rhine (1823–1888), founder of the House of Battenberg and his morganatic wife, the Countess Julia Hauke (1825–1895), daughter of the Polish Count John Maurice Hauke.
Marie adalah anak sulung dan putri tunggal Pangeran Aleksander dari Hessen dan Rhein (1823-1888), pendiri Wangsa Battenberg dan istri morganatiknya, Comtesse Julia Hauke (1825-1895), putri Polandia Comte Johann Maurice Hauke.
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