bakut bahasa Inggris
- mold
- formulate
- forge
- dishonor
- counterfeit
- cook
- bull
- devise
- bullshit
- rape
- manipulate
- ravish
- contrive
- talk through one’s hat
- violate
- invent
- shape
- excogitate
- fashion
- work
- assault
- spurt
- fudge
- form
- outrage
- hammer
- mould
- falsify
- misrepresent
- wangle
- spirt
- dishonour
- fake
- kampung bakut berumput: bakut berumput
- Primate animals named bekantan found mostly in the island of Borneo. In South Kalimantan, these animals are scattered in the forests as in Bakut Island, for example.
Hewan primata bernama bekantan banyak ditemukan di pulau Kalimantan. Di Kalimantan Selatan, hewan-hewan ini tersebar di hutan seperti di Pulau Bakut, misalnya. Tak heran bila hewan ini juga dijadikan ikon Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan disamping pasar terapung. - Still hungry? you can visit Harum Segar, it's having an address at Golden Truly Mall, 1st Floor, visitors can enjoy mixed rice in quite a large portion. Rice dishes are equipped with eggs, siobak, charsiu, sekba, ngohiong, and bakut sauce that makes the tongue shake and the stomach is full.
Masih belum kenyang kalau belum makan nasi? Di Harum Segar yang beralamat di Golden Truly Mall, Lantai 1, pengunjung bisa menikmati nasi campur di porsi yang lumayan banyak. Sajian nasi dilengkapi dengan telur, siobak, charsiu, sekba, ngohiong, serta kuah bakut yang membuat lidah bergoyang dan perut kenyang.