batu-gunting-kertas bahasa Inggris
- batu gunting kertas: rock paper scissors
- gunting: clippers; scissor; scissors; shears; cut; shear; clipping; chisel; snip; graver; clip; pair of scissors
- kertas: cellulose; paper; leaf; folio; sheet of paper; piece of paper; page; sheet
- In addition to including their respective music videos, versions A, K, and B also included footages of the janken tournament that took place in Budokan in September.
Selain video musik yang yang dibawakan oleh masing-masing tim, versi A, K, dan B juga berisi rekaman video turnamen batu-gunting-kertas di Nippon Budokan. - The video begins with the camera panning through their College dorm, all of the members are seen reading, except for Jessica who is playing the Ukulele, Hyoyeon and Seohyun who are playing Rock-paper-scissors.
Video dimulai dengan kamera panning melalui asrama Universitas mereka, semua anggota terlihat membaca, kecuali Hyoyeon dan Seohyun yang bermain batu-gunting-kertas.