bertatah bahasa Inggris
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- Women's Engagement Ring Crystal Inlaid Copper Construction Adjustable Ring
Wanita cincin pertunangan Crystal bertatah konstruksi tembaga disesuaikan cincin - Durable Stocked Ceramic Dining Plates , White Square Dishes High Grade Bone
Pelat Makan Keramik Bertatah Tahan Lama, Piring Persegi Putih Tulang Bermutu Tinggi - It is a great inlaid map stretching from West Africa to the Pacific Ocean.
Ini adalah peta bertatah besar Yang membentang dari Afrika Barat ke Samudra Pasifik. - Using the Very Large Telescope in Chile, astronomers have captured this priceless photograph of what looks remarkably like a diamond engagement ring!
Menggunakan Teleskop yang Sangat Besar di Cile, para astronom berhasil menangkap foto-foto luar biasa yang terlihat sangat mirip cincin pertunangan bertatah berlian! - I found her earring on the floor. It's a little diamond post stud from my parents that they gave her for her graduation, and I know she was wearing them when I left.
aku menemukan antingnya di lantai, bertatah berlian pemberian orangtuaku diberikan saat kelulusannya, aku tahu dia masih memakainya saat aku pergi